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Webinar: Combating Human Trafficking in Tribal Communities

Webinar:  Combating Human Trafficking in Tribal Communities Webinar

Agency: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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Webinar: Combating Human Trafficking in Tribal Communities

Icon of a time indicator to show this indicates how long something takes to read or learn.50 minutes

Publication Date: 2021

This U.S. Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign webinar explores how trafficking uniquely impacts Tribal communities and explains how to better recognize and respond to Tribal victims of human trafficking. Presenters include Scott Santoro, Blue Campaign Senior Training Advisor at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, and Jeri Moomaw, Executive Director of Innovation Human Trafficking Collaborative.


Collaboration and Partnerships Investigations Policy/Protocol Development Serving Culturally Specific Communities Trauma

VAWA Crime(s):

Trafficking in Tribal Nations/Communities


Chief/Sheriff/Executive First Line Supervisor Investigator/Detective Other Role Patrol Officer/Deputy Prosecutor Special Victims Unit


Tribal Nations/Tribes