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Featured LETTAC Clearinghouse
Resource Selections
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Improving LEA's Response to DVSA by Preventing Gender Bias
In 2022, DOJ released this updated guidance to help law enforcement agencies recognize, mitigate, and prevent gender bias and other bias from compromising the response to, and investigation of, SA, DV, and other forms of gender-based violence.
A Roadmap to Success: Building a Co-Responder Program
This resource, developed by LETTAC, is a guide for law enforcement, victim advocates, and community partners wanting to implement a co-responder program to support victims of domestic violence. Website link: https://www.lettac.org/CoResponder
Dispatch and Law Enforcement Building Comprehensive Investigations
This webinar discusses challenges and opportunities specific to follow—up investigation, including how dispatch/call taker actions can positively impact the investigation and re-establishing contact after an incident often occurs.
Successful Offender Prosecution for the Dispatch Center
This webinar presents information for dispatch/call takers on how information gathered on the initial call can help establish offender status, criminal elements of crimes that occurred, and build a successful evidence-based prosecution.
Changing Culture to Address Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Cases of violence in the homes and relationships of agency members are a reality. This webinar will present information policy, comprehensive training, effective leadership, and training to hold offenders accountable.