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Elder Abuse Investigations: Training for Law Enforcement

Elder Abuse Investigations:  Training for Law Enforcement Training/Self-Paced Learning

Agency: National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life

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Elder Abuse Investigations: Training for Law Enforcement and Other Investigators

Publication Date: 2022

These short e-learning modules offer law enforcement officers, investigators, and other first responders an opportunity to access training on elder abuse at any time, from anywhere. You may be working with local partners under an Abuse in Later Life Grant from the Office on Violence Against Women, or you may simply be seeking information about some aspect of handling elder abuse cases. Either way, the information in these modules will enhance your investigative skills, help you work effectively with older victims, and provide you with tools that can help keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable.



VAWA Crime(s):

Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Stalking


Fire/Emergency Medical Services First Line Supervisor Investigator/Detective Patrol Officer/Deputy Special Victims Unit