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Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide

Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide

27 Pages


Agency: Women Prosecutors Section of the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA)

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The National Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide

Icon of a time indicator to show this indicates how long something takes to read or learn.1 hour, 15 minutes

Publication Date: 2018

The National Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution Best Practices Guide is a living document highlighting current best practices in the investigation and prosecution of Sexual Assault. Prosecutors and allied professionals are encouraged to continue developing this guide by contributing information on emerging best practices. NDAA recognizes that funding, local rules, or other state laws or local restrictions may prevent an office from adopting the various approaches suggested. This guide is not intended to replace practices and procedures already in operation, but to simply inform and recommend practices that are effective and consistent throughout the nation. For additional edits to this living document, contact Adrian VanNice, avannice@bouldercounty.org, Chair Sexual Assault sub-committee, NDAA Women Prosecutors Section.


Collaboration and Partnerships Determining Primary Aggressors Documentation and Report Writing Investigations Policy/Protocol Development

VAWA Crime(s):

Sexual Assault


Investigator/Detective Prosecutor Special Victims Unit